Yoper Linux Update

Changing into 2nd gear, rpm5 almost ready to use here The update to rpm5 looks promising . With plenty of help and guidance from jbj over @ http://rpm5.org/ as well as Anders F Björklund we now got an rpm5 version that will allow us a rather smooth transition period. I’ve got a working rpm5 version now that is almost

Leaping Forward

Charged up from an excellent off time in Turangi and Pakiri Beach I was eager to get back into gear with Yoper Linux. But acknowledging that I am not the person to enthuse the masses, but rather someone who likes to tinker I was looking for collaboration on an idea that had slowly evolved over

DNS Hiccups

While cleaning up the DNS entries for yoper-linux.org I’ve missed a few CNAME records that pointed to an A record I’ve deleted. As such ftp.yoper-linux.org and powerplant.yoper-linux.org will be unavailable for approx 24 hours until the updated DNS records have been globally redistributed. You can add these 2 entries to your /etc/hosts file to work

Latest Developments

After more than a year of silence on the frontpage, it is more than time to provide a couple of updates. The current efforts are focused on getting Ubuild work for multiple architectures as well as multiple distributions. While both of these ideas were clear from the outset, a simple but major road block was that Yoper