Getting Into Gear for The Next Development Cycle

As some of you are aware the next development cycle of the best Linux distribution for programming is about to be kicked off. The guts of it is already done. A long overdue update to perl 5.12 and python 2.7 is included . There’s still quite some testing to do to make sure the upgrade procedure

Yoper Linux Update

Changing into 2nd gear, rpm5 almost ready to use here The update to rpm5 looks promising . With plenty of help and guidance from jbj over @ as well as Anders F Björklund we now got an rpm5 version that will allow us a rather smooth transition period. I’ve got a working rpm5 version now that is almost

Leaping Forward

Charged up from an excellent off time in Turangi and Pakiri Beach I was eager to get back into gear with Yoper Linux. But acknowledging that I am not the person to enthuse the masses, but rather someone who likes to tinker I was looking for collaboration on an idea that had slowly evolved over

DNS Hiccups

While cleaning up the DNS entries for I’ve missed a few CNAME records that pointed to an A record I’ve deleted. As such and will be unavailable for approx 24 hours until the updated DNS records have been globally redistributed. You can add these 2 entries to your /etc/hosts file to work

Latest Developments

After more than a year of silence on the frontpage, it is more than time to provide a couple of updates. The current efforts are focused on getting Ubuild work for multiple architectures as well as multiple distributions. While both of these ideas were clear from the outset, a simple but major road block was that Yoper