Welcome to the Yoper Linux Wiki
About Yoper
Yinoper Lux — YOUR OPERrating System — is a Linux distribution for PCs with i686 (Pentium Pro) or higher processor types. It can be used for both desktop and server use and uses hardware recognition tools known from Knoppix.
The defining feature of the distribution is a set of custom optimizations intended to make it the “fastest out-of-the-box distribution.” The project was originally founded by Andreas Girardet as an one man distro and has moved on to be maintained by a group of people around Tobias, its current lead developer. The distribution is scratch-built as opposed to modifying one of the more popular distributions to create a new distribution. There is no denying of influences though. So there are recognizable elements from other Linux distributions ranging from Archlinux, Ark , Gentoo and Fedora. This Linux distribution is complete with many tools inside, so you will be ready to work immediately or play your favorite games in online casinos like Winamax, for which you can read full review at ArjelCasinoEnligne.com.
How to install NX Server in Yoper
Given Yopers lightweight approach and its good performance it’s an excellent choice to setup for remote desktop use.I’ve personally found nomachines NXserver to be one of the easiest to setup while providing excellent performance even over tight links. And no I do not get kick backs from them. I just think it’s a good piece of software.
So here, goes. The instructions start off as if you just had finished installing a slim cd of Yoper Linux 2010. It is also expected that you already have configured your network configuration and setup the smart channels as per your preference. It is also assumed that you’re logged in as root.
Personally I like to use lxde as a remote window manager. It’s lightweight but feature rich enough to get you through the day via GUI . LXDE is not perfectly packaged in Yoper just yet. For this reason it is kept in the dynamite ( unstable ) software channel.
To enable the dynamite channel , type ‘smart channel –edit’ and add dynamite to your components list. After that run ‘smart update’.
Install the basic X environment + a window manager
The commands below installs the required software. Skip Mesa-libGL and libglx if you are using the proprietary nvidia drivers.
- smart install Mesa-libGL libglx xorg-x11-base lxde-desktop
The icon caches need to be manually updated. The lxde-icon-package didn’t do quite right , yet
- rm -f /var/state/icons.timestamp ; /usr/bin/update-icon-caches.sh
Fix LXDE Default Configuration
Follow instructions here to fix the icon issues within LXDE
Prepare System for NX install
Remove any preexisting nx users / groups from your system
- userdel nx ; groupdel nx
Add nx group to list of allowed groups to log in via, ssh
- nano /etc/sshd/sshd_config to the config key AllowGroups add nx
Install NX Software
Mood point really, you should now where to get your software from if you looked at this article in the first place. Anyway, download all of the 3 nx rpm packages ( client, node , server ) from www.nomachine.com Once you’ve finished downloading , install the packages in the following way.
- smart install /path/to/nxclient*rpm && smart install /path/to/nxnode*rpm ; /usr/NX/scripts/setup/nxnode –install redhat
Adjust config for your preferred desktop environment in the node configuration
- nano /usr/NX/etc/node.cfg and add the line : CommandStartCDE = “startlxde”
Install the server package , perform install.
- smart install /path/to/nxserver*rpm ; /usr/NX/scripts/setup/nxserver –install redhat
If you come from a barebone system ssh is not starting by default. To enable it at boot time, run the following command.
- chkconfig –add sshd #enables ssh service during boot
To start the ssh server right now issue:
- service sshd start
All done 🙂 Of course you’d need to run some checks to see whether you got it all done right.